For the first time, distance learning in the form of online lessons for students of the treatment faculty of 505-506 groups has been organized at our department. Thematic plans, books, lectures, and handouts were sent to students via the Internet. The course is conducted using telegrams and other programs. Electronic journals are open to students and theoretical knowledge is evaluated. At the end of the quarantine period, students must pass exams in the Intermediate and Final Control at the department.
- Bosh sahifa
- Biz haqimizda
- Kafedra tarixi
- Kafedra jamoasi
- Karimov Shavkat Ibragimovich
- Xakimov Murod Shavkatovich
- Berkinov Ulug’bek Bazarbayevich
- Irnazarov Akmal Abdullayevich
- Imamov Abdurahman Abdug’aniyevich
- Sattarov Oybek Toxirovich
- Saxiboyev Dilshod Parpijalilovich
- Karimov Mahmud Rustamovich
- Xalikov Sarvar Pulatovich
- Alidjanov Xodjiakbar Kashipovich
- Egamberdiyev Shuxrat Iskandarovich
- Beknazarov Ilhomjon Rustamovich
- Jumanazarov Azizbek Ulug’bekovich
- Rahimzoda Tohir Erkini
- Matmuradov Jahongir Kamilovich
- Xusinov Dilshodbek Otaboyevich
- Fayziyev Sarvar Islom o’g’li
- Yakubov Oybek Ergash o’g’li
- Kushiyev Jahongir Habibjon o‘g‘li
- Elmuratov Iskandar Urazovich
- Payziyeva Dilrux Sunnatillo qizi
- Muminov Rustam Tulkinbayevich
- Biz bilan bog’laning
- Fotogalereya
- O’quv ishlari
- Ilmiy ishlar
- Davolash ishi
- Yangiliklar
Uzbek (Uzbek)